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Cite it Right

Don't Steal it - Cite it!
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4th - 5th Grade
To cite Print Material
- Author's last name, first name. Title of Book. (italicized) City of Publication: Publisher, copyright date.
EXAMPLE: Gibbons, Gail. Caves and Caverns. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1993.
To Cite a Website
- Author (if known). "Title of webpage/article." Date you visited (day, mo, year). Full URL address
EXAMPLE: Arnett, Bill. "Comets." 21 May 1999. comets.html   
3rd Grade
To Cite Print Material
- Author's name: last name, first name.Title of the book (italicized). Copyright Date.
EXAMPLE: Miller, Lucas. Fifi the Ferocious. 2009.
To Cite a Website:
1. "Title of webpage/article" . Date you visited (day, mo, year).URL address
EXAMPLE: "Citing Sources" . 21 March, 2011. 
Kinder-2nd grade 
To cite Print material:
- Name of the author.Title of the book, (italicized)
EXAMPLE: Joanna Cole. The Magic Schoolbus, Lost in the Solar System.
To Cite a Website:
- Website address or URL. Date you visited. . Visited 3/29/2011.